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求常微分方程的数值解 ode45方法的源代码怎么看懂呢?四百多行 如何理解这些代码的核心思想 以方便未来自己使用呢?求大神指点迷津 感激不尽
function varargout = ode45(ode,tspan,y0,options,varargin)
%ODE45 Solve non-stiff differential equations, medium order method.
% [TOUT,YOUT] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0) with TSPAN = [T0 TFINAL] integrates
% the system of differential equations y' = f(t,y) from time T0 to TFINAL
% with initial conditions Y0. ODEFUN is a function handle. For a scalar T
% and a vector Y, ODEFUN(T,Y) must return a column vector corresponding
% to f(t,y). Each row in the solution array YOUT corresponds to a time
% returned in the column vector TOUT. To obtain solutions at specific
% times T0,T1,...,TFINAL (all increasing or all decreasing), use TSPAN =
% [T0 T1 ... TFINAL].
% [TOUT,YOUT] = ODE45(ODEFUN,TSPAN,Y0,OPTIONS) solves as above with default
% integration properties replaced by values in OPTIONS, an argument created
% with the ODESET function. See ODESET for details. Commonly used options
% are scalar relative error tolerance 'RelTol' (1e-3 by default) and vector
% of absolute error tolerances 'AbsTol' (all components 1e-6 by default).
% If certain components of the solution must be non-negative, use
% ODESET to set the 'NonNegative' property to the indices of these
% components.
% ODE45 can solve problems M(t,y)*y' = f(t,y) with mass matrix M that is
% nonsingular. Use ODESET to set the 'Mass' property to a function handle
% MASS if MASS(T,Y) returns the value of the mass matrix. If the mass matrix
% is constant, the matrix can be used as the value of the 'Mass' option. If
% the mass matrix does not depend on the state variable Y and the function
% MASS is to be called with one input argument T, set 'MStateDependence' to
% 'none'. ODE15S and ODE23T can solve problems with singular mass matrices